About Us

Three Rivers IPMS is a scale modeling club in Pittsburgh PA. This site has important news about club events and items of interest to local modelers. You can also find us on Facebook at

The club holds TRICON - a model contest - every spring, next year's show will be March 22nd, 2025.

TRICON 2025 - Awards



Every model entered in the TRICON contest is in contention for a Gold, Silver or Bronze award. There is no limit on the number of medals an entrant can take home.

Three Rivers IPMS also sponsors Best of Category awards for each general category in the contest. These awards are chosen by a vote of all the judges who judged that category. These awards include:

  • Best Aircraft Model
  • Best Military Vehicle Model
  • Best Automotive Model
  • Best Ship Model
  • Best Sci/Fi or Space Model
  • Best Figure
  • Best Diorama

The top award is the "Judge's Best of Show" award, which is chosen from the category winners by a vote of the Category Head Judges.

The top award for junior modelers is the "James Bonanni Memorial Award for Best Junior", chosen by a vote of the Junior category judges. Jim Bonanni was a long-time member of Three Rivers IPMS, and he greatly enjoyed judging the Junior category at our show and promoting the hobby to kids.


Along with all of the "official" awards above, the Three Rivers club has a long tradition of member sponsored special awards. These awards are paid for and judged by individual members of the club, and are intended to generate interest in a particular area of modeling and add a little fun to the contest. Because the winners are chosen before the official results are known and often target a very narrow subject area, the special award winners aren't always the highest ranked (by medal) models. There are some new and different awards this year so take a look:

  • Best Old Aircraft Kit (pre 1980)
  • Best Movie Model
  • Best US Military Aircraft
  • Best Luftwaffe Aircraft
  • Best WWI Aircraft
  • Best Auto Engine Detail
  • Best Bust
  • Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror Figure
  • Best Armor Camouflage
  • Best Railroad Model
  • Best Rotary Wing Aircraft
  • Best Surface Warship 1860-1990