About Us

Three Rivers IPMS is a scale modeling club in Pittsburgh PA. This site has important news about club events and items of interest to local modelers. You can also find us on Facebook at

The club holds TRICON - a model contest - every spring, next year's show will be March 9th, 2024.

Club Meeting Time and Place

 Meeting Times and Places

Three Rivers IPMS usually meets the first Friday of the month at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Whitehall, 418 Maxwell Drive, Pittsburgh PA, 15236 Meetings start at 7:30PM and usually last 2-3 hours. Visitors are welcome (after 3 visits we'll ask you to pay dues - $10/year).

In Covid times and during winter-weather meetings may be canceled or rescheduled on short notice - check here for the latest dates and times. Or email Club President Scott Scariot at   At present there are no mask requirements at the church and most members are not wearing masks at meetings, but you are encouraged to mask-up if you have health concerns.